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Political information

Humankind Empire of Abh

Social class

Nobility - Royalty

Military information

Abriel (アブリアル)(Baronh: Ablïarsec) are the Royalty of the Abh Empire.

Basically, the Fasanzoerl comprised eight royal families (Lartei). They were descendants of Dunei, the Founding Emperor (Skurleteria), or his siblings. Thus, they all had the family name, or Fiith, of Abriel. Each emperor came from one of eight royal families: Lartei Skirh, Nei Lamral; Lartei Irik, Nei Duswiel; Lartei Lasiser, Nei Lomryulal; Lartei Weskor, Nei Dueil; Lartei Barker, Nei Lamsar; Lartei Balgzeder, Nei Dubuzel; Lartei Shulgzeder, Nei Duasek; and Lartei Kryb, Nei Debrusc.

Once a new Glaharerl Rue Byrer was chosen, the rest of the Fasanzoerl customarily requested reassignment into the first reserve. Some Fasanzoerl gave up trying to become Emperor and retired from the military, choosing to inherit their throne or become a lifelong Fasanzoerl with their Sune. Descendants of lifetime Fasanzoerl took the Fiith "Baus" to indicate that they inherited Jhedirl from the Ruejhe, but they were only Imperial nobles. Imperial nobles were not allowed to use the name Abriel.

When Emperors resigned, they often had as much as a hundred years of life left. Thus, they were not permitted to truly retire. Instead, ex-Emperors took on the honorary title of "Your Grace" (Nisoth) in the Former Emperor's Congress (known as Luzei Fanigalak).

The Luzei Fanigalak presided over the promotions of Fasanzoerl Lodair and was, in practice, more severely critical than the military. Children of the Ga Lartei had forty years to struggle their way through the Luzei Fanigalak's interviews and performance reviews.

History[edit | edit source]

The War

Family Trait[edit | edit source]

Abriel ears.

Family Personality[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Children[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]