Abriel Dusuum

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Ablïarsec Néïc (Doubuzeru)/Doubuzel (Faniga) Dusuum
Astrological information
Biographical information

I.C.Y. 959

Physical information


Political information

Humankind Empire of Abh

Social class

Nobility- Ex-Emperor

Military information

Ablïarsec Néïc (Doubuzeru)/Doubuzel (Faniga) Dusuum (アブリアル・ネイ=ドゥブゼル・上皇(ファニーガ)・ドゥスーム) or Abriel Nei Doubuzel retired Emperor Dusuum is an ex-Emperor of the Humankind Empire of Abh. He was also the former King of the Barkzedel Kingdom.

History[edit | edit source]

The War In ICY 959, he died in the defense of Lakfakalle. Following the example of Abriel Lameimar he self-destructed his orbital palace which together with other orbital fortresses took out numerous enemy forces.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Children[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]