
Page last edited 3,541 days ago
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Humankind Empire of Abh

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(アイザン aizan?)

was a police superintendent in the Luna Vega City (ルーヌ・ビーガ) on Clasbul.

History[edit | edit source]

In ICY 952, he had a high citizen approval rating Luna Vega City, and was elected police superintendent. His approval rating fell because of his cooperation with the United Mankind, and lost the election in ICY 955. He was police superintendent for 12 years.

Personality[edit | edit source]

He is a timid person.

Relationship[edit | edit source]

He likes to cut the police budget because he had a complexion about the assembly. Therefore, he was avoided by field police officers including Entryua Rei. Entryua has a bad opinion of Superintendent Aizan for his political smoothness.

Preferences[edit | edit source]

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]