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File:Ath (alphabet).png
The Ath Alphabet, used to write Baronh

Baronh is the official language of the Abh and means "language of the Abh". Its writing system is known as Ath.

Origin[edit | edit source]

The Baronh language is derived from the ancient Japanese language, spoken until the beginning of the ninth century and recorded in Kojiki, Man'yōshū and other ancient documents. It is not precisely the ancient language itself, but a reconstructed one which is named Takamagahara language after the mythological heaven in Kojiki. In Crest of the Stars, Japanese revolutionists seeking to remove foreign influence from the Japanese language created their own "purified" version, which removed borrowed words and expressions and revived ancient ones. It was these revolutionists who established the colony that created the Abh, giving them their language.

After the Abh were freed from slavery, their language quickly, in a few generations, changed into the form seen in Morioka's works of fiction. Having not been allowed to write as slaves, the Abh previously had no writing system, and that is the biggest reason why this change proceeded so swiftly. In order to write Baronh, an alphabet called Ath, which means "letter", was created, derived from the roman Latin alphabet but rooted in the Japanese kana.

During the long voyages and isolation of the Abh, they developed their own variation which is now Baronh.

Grammar[edit | edit source]

Baronh is an inflectional or synthetic language: affixes are attached to a fixed stem to express verbal aspect and mode, and case in nouns and pronouns, Nouns and pronouns have seven cases which affixes were derived from particles in the Japanese language. Some Japanese particles remain as such.

The seven cases of Baronh are:

  1. nominative (used for the subject of a verb or naming a noun),
  2. accusative (used for the direct object of a verb),
  3. genitive (used to indicate relation or possession, often represented by the English "of"),
  4. dative (used of the indirect object of the verb, often represented by the English "to" or "for"),
  5. directive (originally used to show the direction of movement, similar to terminative or lative, but used to show a location without movement in modern Baronh)
  6. ablative (separation, source, cause, start point of movement)
  7. instrumental (instrumental, and a predicate of a copula).

There are four types of declension of Baronh nouns. In the first declension there is usually only one vowel and its place shifts according to its cases. For example, Abh is Abh in its nominative but changes as Bar in its genitive.

Adjectives have no change. Most of adjective consist of a stem and the ending -a, like bhoca ("large") or laca ("high"). A verb can be used as a sort of adjective in a form of its stem and -a affixes like the gerund in English. Usually adjectives follow nouns like lartnéc casna (literally "princess first"). Adverbs have no change and many adverbs were derived from adjectives, like bhoci ("largely") or laci ("highly").

Ath[edit | edit source]

Ath ABC Phonetic Latin ABC[1][2] Katakana
TRON 9-9840.gif a [a:] a, A ア, ァ
TRON 9-9842.gif i [i:] i, I
TRON 9-9844.gif u [u] u, U
TRON 9-9846.gif é é = [e] E
TRON 9-9847.gif o [o:] o
TRON 9-9841.gif e [e] e
TRON 9-9848.gif k, c [k] k, K (c, C) '
TRON 9-9849.gif s [s] s, S '
TRON 9-984A.gif t [t] t, T '
TRON 9-984B.gif l [l] l, L '
TRON 9-984C.gif n [n] n, N
TRON 9-984D.gif h [h], can change the sounds of previous consonants ** h, H '
TRON 9-984E.gif p [p] p '
TRON 9-984F.gif f [f] f, F '
TRON 9-9850.gif m [m] m, M '
TRON 9-9843.gif ï [i], [j] before vowels j '
TRON 9-9851.gif ai [ai] J '
TRON 9-9852.gif y [i] y, Y '
TRON 9-9854.gif œ [œ] (Œ), W '
TRON 9-9855.gif r [r] r, R '
TRON 9-9845.gif ü [u], [v] before vowels v, w '
TRON 9-9856.gif au [o:] o, O
TRON 9-9853.gif ÿ [i],[j] before vowels Y '
TRON 9-9857.gif eu [eu] eu, P '
TRON 9-9858.gif g [g] g, G, jhe '
TRON 9-9859.gif z [z] z, Z '
TRON 9-985A.gif d [d] d, D '
TRON 9-985B.gif b [b] b, B '

Signs[edit | edit source]

Signs table
Ath Sign
TRON 9-983A.gif :

Pronunciation[edit | edit source]

Each letter of Ath has its own sound, though some combinations like bh stand for other sounds. Such combinations appear between consonants letters.

Every vowel is clearly pronounced except occasionally "e". When "e" appears as a part of affixes, it frequently becomes silent (for example, byrec [byːr] 'fleet', cluge [kluːɡ] 'relax').

Some consonants become silent at the end of word or in a series of consonant letters. Digraphs in <h> are used for fricatives. For example bh stands for [v], mh for [ɸ].

Greetings[edit | edit source]

  • Cluge sa?: "Hello" (literally "Are you relaxing?")
  • Fe cluge: "Hello" as a reply (literally "I am relaxing.")
  • Carsisto!: "Hello" (in office: literally "Let's work")
  • Bile éna!: "Bye" (literally "Good voyage")
  • Froranto: "Farewell" (literally "I will never forget [you]")

Japanese Etymology[edit | edit source]

  • ガサルス(←八咫烏)
    jatagarasu[3] →(vowel change)→ jatgarse →(consonant change)→ gatharse →(nominative ending-c added)→ gatharsec(nominative ending - soundless ec
  • ラクファカール(←高天原)
    tacamagahara[4] →(vowel change)→ tacmgahar →(consonant change)→ lacmhacar →(nominative ending-h added)→ Lacmhacarh(mh addedpronounced [f])
  • サリューシュ(アーヴ根源二九氏族の一つ←二十八宿|参)[5]
    karasuci →(Apophony[6])→ karsc →(consonant change)→ sarrc →(nominative ending-h added)→ sarrych(ch suffix, pronounced [sh])
  • スポール(同上←二十八宿|昴)[7]
    subaru →(vowel change)→ sbaur →(consonant change) spaur →(nominative ending-h added)→ spaurh
  • バルケール(←はるけき)

Numbers and more[edit | edit source]

Numeric table
Ath Arabic
ATH-0030-b.gif 0
ATH-0031-b.gif 1
ATH-0032-b.gif 2
ATH-0033-b.gif 3
ATH-0034-b.gif 4
ATH-0035-b.gif 5
ATH-0036-b.gif 6
ATH-0037-b.gif 7
ATH-0038-b.gif 8
ATH-0039-b.gif 9
ATH-002E-b.gif .

Negative numbers are in red. This originates from asian tradition. For the same reason the Abh count according to asian systems. In Baronh, deca numbers are composed of the leading number, the deca word, and the single digit number. For every 104 magnitude steps a specific magnitude metric word is used.

Later Changes[edit | edit source]

Since the anime Banner of the Stars (Seikai no Senki II) the writing system has been extended with various signs:

Practical deciphering, interpretation and roman spelling[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Due to the japanese background the writing of Baronh is extremely difficult to determine. There is no sure way other than basing on known writings. The majority of problems come from japanese romanization which is very ambiguous as many japanese kana have dual or even trible interpretations in roman writing. This has impact on the pronunciation.

Although japanese people use the normal latin alphabet pronunciation, they also use engrish pronunciations. Depending on each case a name could have been written based on roman writing or based on engrish pronunciations. Adding to the problem is that a lot of these exotic names have multiple writings in roman, too, not to mention alphabetical variations like norse. Multiple japanese writing variations always exists. Official literature offer the closes version of a correct writing.

While the Ath follows the normal Latin alphabet, Tokyopop has been following the english version leading to many confusions. For example, in normal Latin alphabet K is the hard form and C is soft and is sometimes similar to S. There is supposedly no C in Ath. However, Tokyopop exclusively uses C.

Many terms and names appear to originate from exotic or luxurious brands known in Japan or worldwide. Some names appear to originate from famous people or places. Many of these are composed and don't follow exactly popular writing, not that there are correct writing of roman names in Japanese.

Morika went to great pains to ensure there are no names that are written differently in Japanese and have the same pronunciation. However, there are plenty of typos and misprints in the novels.

Baronh word root is a reliable, but in most cases it depends on its use or context. As Baronh is also based on french grammar, grammatical modification of a word has to be taken into account. For example a word can be modified based on gender e.g. Ryufu = Baron or Lymh = Baroness. As can be seen here we have a serious problem between deciding if the word root is written with an R or with an L. There is no difference in Japanese as both are written with an . It appears Tokyopop preferred L when a word somehow appeared female.

There are cases where word modification lead to similarity between different word roots, too.

General[edit | edit source]

Most anime on-screen Baronh writing is based on roman or engrish. Many Baronh writing to follow a japanese-romanization to Baronh writing, but it's not one hundred percent of the time. Due to the complexity of romanization, exceptions, and other reasons it's difficult to narrow down the dominating conversion rules.

Direct Conversion[edit | edit source]