Bebaus Suryumune

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Bibauth Suryumune
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Bibauth Suryumune (ビボース・リュムネ), Bebaus Suryumune was an Abh scientist who developed the theory of interstellar travel through plane space.

History[edit | edit source]

A specialized scientist in stellar evolution. He became aware of the Houdini's theory of energy equilibrium of compound space-time. Through trade he acquired her paper. Upon scrutinizing the theory he realized the possibility of interstellar travel. He soon realized the possibility to access plane space via Sords. From then on he worked on the principles and researched plane-space navigation.

Based on his research the Abh started to varify the theory by initiating a program in 52 BE to try opening a closed Sord. In 19 BE, they succeeded in opening a Sord. Soon after the Abh would realized interstellar travel.

Through Bebaus Suryumune's research and achievement, the Bebaus family would gain their famed reputation as a family of researchers with a hand for "Spectacular Insanity".

Personality[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]