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Astrological information





Sagittarius phi

Biographical information
Physical information



Curled Hair

Political information

Humankind Empire of Abh

Social class

Nobility - Grand Duke


Grand Duchy Skarbol

Military information

Biboth [biboθ], Bebaus (Baronh: ビボース Bibauth)/ (ビポース) is the name of one of the 28 founding families. The family head's court rank is Grand Duke. The family head's territory is the Grand Duchy Skarbol (スカーボール Skarbaur).

History[edit | edit source]

Notable Members of the clan

This family was in charge of surveying new star systems, and had some say in the ship's navigation pattern. They are famous for developing Planar Space Navigation Theory, which allowed the empire to expand to it's present size.

Family Trait[edit | edit source]

Curled Hair called the crown of Biboth (jap.: ビボースの冠)(Baronh: ソピュール・ビボト Sopyu/Spurl Bibot)(ソピュール could be a misprint of スピュール).

Family Personality[edit | edit source]

They are notorious for being caught in the act of gorgeous insanity. They have been nicknamed, "The Spectacular Insanity" because of their lack of reason in doing various things.

Family Crest[edit | edit source]

Etymology[edit | edit source]

It is derived from the 28 constellations from the star chart that originated from ancient China. Incidentally the brightest star in the western extremity of each constellation is called "kyosei" and is the mark of the constellation. The constellation is 箕 (Mi) and means "basket". The kyosei is Sagittarius phi.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]