Capital Defense Society

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Capital Defense Society (Sobrerash Arok) is an irregular organization, formed out of the retired Abh military personnel. Despite having the word 'Defense" in its name, it is only mobilized, if the actual defense has absolutely no chance of succeeding. In this case the Society members will be employed as a delaying force for the evacuation effort, fighting rear-guard battles without the hope of survival.

Organization of the Capital Defense Society[edit | edit source]

There is no regular standartized organisation for the Capital Defense Society. In times, when its services are not needed, it is mostly a respected veterans organisation, famous for it's banquets. Should their services become necessary, the organisational structure is defined basing on the current war state and active members. The overall command of the society is usually handled by a former Emperor.

Membership in the Capital Defense Society[edit | edit source]

Because the deployment of the society means essentially death sentence for it's members, the membership in the organization is strictly voluntary, except for the members of the Imperial and Royal Families and the high echelons of the nobility, for whom it’s mandatory, althrough they may be relieved of their duties in some cases (for example, being the last in the family).

Fleet Organization of the Capital Defense Society[edit | edit source]

The society operates mobile fortresses, that can be either repurposed outdated ships, armed personal mobile estates of the Society members, or specific installations without plane-space capability.

History[edit | edit source]

The Society saw extensive action during the Battle of Lakfakalle. The Society was nearly exterminated in the process, but it’s members were able to deal moderate amount of damage to the Alliance forces, and have turned for them the last stage of the battle into the bloody grinding process.

References[edit | edit source]

  • "Общество обороны столицы" in Russian translation