Dabaimec | |
Astrological information | |
Namesake |
壁(Namame) |
Meaning |
Wall |
Star |
Pegasus gamma |
Biographical information | |
Physical information | |
Race | |
Trait |
Red Star |
Political information | |
Nation | |
Social class |
Nobility - Grand Duke |
Domain | |
Military information |
Dabem [dabɛm] (Baronh: Dabaimec) is the name of one of the 29 founding families. The family head's court rank is Grand Duke. The family head's territory is the Grand Duchy Beruza/Veruza (ベルザ Beruza).
History[edit | edit source]
This clan was responsible for sanitation and recycling of waste products. They had a deep understanding of biochemistry and competed with Idaimh in the terraforming business. It was often believed they were ashamed of their origin, because they hid their red extra sensory organ behind their Alpha all the time, when in fact they were extremely proud of their origins.
Family Trait[edit | edit source]
Red Star, a red spatial sensory organ.
Family Personality[edit | edit source]
They have a lot of pride. They value steadfastness.
Family Crest[edit | edit source]
Etymology[edit | edit source]
It is derived from the 28 constellations from the star chart that originated from ancient China. Incidentally the brightest star in the western extremity of each constellation is called "kyosei" and is the mark of the constellation. The constellation is 壁 (Namame) and means "wall". The kyosei is |Pegasus gamma.