Founding Family (Abh)

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The Founding Family refer to the descendants of the original 29 proto-Abh crew, each holding a specific postion within their starship. The departments of the original ships crew essentially became the different families of the Abh Empire.

Background[edit | edit source]

When the original Abh announced their secession from the mother city they wished to be an independent race.

Royalty[edit | edit source]

The Abriel family are Royalty. The Abriel, actually, consist of eight branches, each heading a Kingdom. Similar to nobles (landed Voda) who didn't rule their nations, the title was mostly a meaningless honorific.

Nobility[edit | edit source]

The Abriel clan has no astrological significance, however the other 28 are all named after constellations named by the Japanese ancestors of the Abh.[1] The constellation are grouped into the 4 directions, each one ruled by a Shinjuu. The 28 families also form the higher echelon of Abh nobility. Additionally, almost every clan has a distinctive physical trait that only members of that clan have. These traits are maintained through careful genetic manipulation.

Founding Families and the 28 Constellations
Name[2] Phonetic Chinese Japanese[3] Meaning[4] Trait
ruled by Seiryuu (東), the Azure Dragon/Green Dragon
Ruc [ru] Su Horn Odd Nose
Aimh [ɛf] Ami Neck Silver Hair
Lomh [lof] Tomo Chest Golden Pupils
Loepoess [lœpœs] Soi Room Slender Fingers
Dachoc [daʃo] Nakago Heart Elongated Lips
Aislairec [ɛslɛr] Ashitare Tail
Biboth [biboθ] Mi Basket Curled Hair
ruled by Genbu (北), the Black Tortoise
Kilych [kilyʃ] Hikitsu Ladle
Idaimh [idɛf] Inami Cattle
Nych [nyʃ] Uruki Maiden
Lobitec [lobit] Tomite Void Green Hair
Fimegaimec [fiməgɛm] Urumiya Rooftop Black Star
Kalyc [kaly] Hatsui House
Dabaimec [dabɛm] Namame Wall Red Star
ruled by Byakko (西), the White Tiger
Losaich [losɛʃ] Takaki Astride Light Blue Iris
Tlaimh [ftlɛ] Tatara Mound Red Dot on Finger
Sosiec [sosie] Kokie Stomach Glossy Hair
Spaurh [spɔʀ] Subaru Pleiades Red Eyes
Aimenyrh [ɛmənyʀ] Amefuri Net Tinted Hair
Snoech [snœʃ] Toroki Beak
Sarrych [saryʃ] Karasuki Orion
ruled by Suzaku (南), the Vermilion Bird/Red Bird.
Tlich [tliʃ] Chichiri Well
Lamkoemec [lamkœm] Tamahome Ghosts
Duneucec [dunøk] Nuriko Willow
Kotoponi [kotponi] Hotohori Star Blood red lips
Lineucec [linøk] Chiriko Bow
Larych [laryʃ] Tasuki Wings
Beussaicec [bøsɛ] Mitsukake Carriage
Usually a constellation's full name is written as "name + 宿" (ぼし Boshi)[5]. 氐 is a Hanzi not the Kanji 氏.

Other Families[edit | edit source]

Main article: Abh name

There are other Abh families that existed at the founding of the Empire or came to be at a later time.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]