Gaftonosh Dourado (ship)

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Gaftnochec/Gaftonosh Dourado
Career information Imperial gaftonosh.png

Gaftnochec/Gaftonosh Dourado


eight headed dragon (Orochi)[1]


prior to ICY 952


prior to ICY 952


Royal Gaftnosh.gif

General characteristics
Class and type

Aikushu-Class command ship variant Patrol ship

The Gaftnochec Dourado, Gaftonosh Dourado (ガフトノーシュ・ドゥラド)(八頸竜) is an Aikushu-Class patrol ship. It was commissioned to commemorate the valor in obtaining the victory of the Shashain War. In ICY 959, it was returned to duty for Operation Phoenix.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[edit | edit source]

At the time of commission it was one of the most powerful warship in the galaxy. As result of the Shashain War it incorporated the latest military technology of the time.

History[edit | edit source]

Immediately after the Shashain war, an Aikushu-class ship was commissioned and assigned the name Gaftonosh Dourado. Gaftonosh being the traditional name for the Empire's flagship, it is presumed it have served in parallel.

After the ship's active service time the ship was used as a transport ship. All weapons were removed and it was converted to be manned by five officers only.

The ship was presumably mothballed for a time.

In ICY 959, when the Imperial capital Lakfakalle came under attack the ship was returned to duty in order to evacuate the treasures of the Empire. These memorial stone pillars containing the names of the fallen heroes from the Hall of Remembrance were transferred to the ship. The ship was transferred to the command of First Princess Abriel Lafiel.

Known Crew[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]