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Astrological information
Biographical information

Prior to ICY 941

Physical information




Hair Color

Blue hair

Political information

Humankind Empire of Abh

Military information
Military rank
  • Unknown Officer Ranks (ICY 952 - ICY 959)
  • Admiral (ICY 959 - Present)

5th Fleet Snow Crystal

Jamupeel (ジャムペール jamupe-ru?)

was the commander in chief of the 5th fleet of Operation Snow Crystal. One of the newer officers to appear in a key command, he is known for his assignment in protecting Prince Abriel Duhir.

History[edit | edit source]

Early Life and Military Career[edit | edit source]

Little at the moment is known precisely of his past, though Laburec intelligence does show that he appeared to show signs of significant potential as a command officer following ICY 955, sometime after Operation Hunter. Through various means, he eventually earned an assignment as an admiral; however, was given a logistics fleet intended for rear service during Operation Snow Crystal.

Operation Snow Crystal[edit | edit source]

As one of the younger admirals in the whole of the Laburec, few may have believed he would be suited to commanding in a battlefield role which may have led to him being assigned to command 5th Fleet Snow Crystal. Logistics; however, had proven decisive in dictating the course of the war so far, especially in terms of fuel supply and ammunition. He prepared to run a smooth armed convoy train for the 13th Fleet Snow Crystal, the operational headquarters, when suddenly the Hania-Kryb front began to collapse during the surprise attack of the Battle of Kryb.

His fleet ended up separated from the combat fleets at Dinin along with some elements of 1st Fleet Snow Crystal. Before communications were cut, he received one order; deliver Prince Abriel Duhir to headquarters. Surrounded, outnumbered, and without a combat command, he began to carry out his decree in spite of his foe. Given that his command consisted of a logistics fleet, but only facing light resistance, he quickly made moves to try to strengthen his fleet and his position if possible.

Hania failed to contain him and the allied fleet in the area. Potentially due to lack of decent identification, he could disguise his cargo ships as patrol vessels and drive the enemy away as he tried to rally the true combat units of the 1st Fleet to him. He successfully on the fly began reorganizing the elements of 1st Fleet and 5th Fleet under his command during the Battle of Dinin Gate, and successful began to retreat to Skiil.

He knew his fleet would need reinforcement and while strong enough to resist and breakout of Dinin, he could not hope to turn the Battle of Kryb and would attempt to relieve Kotoponi by other means. Once he arrived in Skiil though, the battle for the kingdom had been underway for sometime already pressured in quick succession sometime after Dinin. He had no intention of losing his fleet nor leaving comrades and fleets behind in Skiil. He joined the fray and would attempt to swing the tide of battle to try to stem Hania's assault.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Light blue hair that looks like silver. His air is fair and somewhat unhealthy.

Notes and Trvia[edit | edit source]

He is by decree currently a Grand Admiral, however, he de facto remains Admiral since he and his unit are cut off. Operation Phoenix calls him to to be a Grand Admiral, but it is unknown if he knows this part of the decree or can act upon it given his situation.

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]