Lakfakalle Sera

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Lakfakalle Sera
Location information

Humankind Empire of Abh

local language:


Planar Space

Lakfakalle Sera (Baronh: ラクファカール・セラ) is the name given to the temporary Imperial capital located in the Sotoryuru star system in ICY 959.

History[edit | edit source]

Primarily a world that did not bear much attention beyond Sotoryuru Naval Base in orbit, this world became important with Empress Abriel Ramaj's activation of Operation Phoenix in response to the Lakfakalle Campaign.

Following the fall of the Imperial capital Lakfakalle following the Four Nations Alliance's attack into system Abriel, a new temporary Imperial capital was established. The planet thereafter once 5th Fleet Phoenix arrived was renamed to Lakfakalle Sera by order of new Emperor Abriel Dusanyu. The original name of the world is not yet known.

Astrography[edit | edit source]

The Orbital City was constructed in the same orbit as the Sotoryuru Sord and the Planet Satoneige within the Sotoryuru system.