Larbrybh Naval Base

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Larbrybh Naval Base
Career information Imperial gaftonosh.png

Larbrybh Naval Base


Larbrybh system


Star Forces


Larbrybh system







General characteristics
Class and type

star base



crafts carried

thousands of shuttles

Larbrybh Naval Base (jap.: ラルブリューヴ鎮守府) (Baronh: シュテューム・ラルブリュブ Shute~yumu Larbryb) is one of eight command naval bases of the Humankind Empire of Abh.

Background[edit | edit source]

The base serves as headquarters for the four deputy directors of the Peace Protection Office. The banner features an eight-headed dragon eternally engaged in a skirmish with a lightning bolt.

Tokyopop has translated 鎮守府 as Peace Protection Office based on the Kanji and perhaps leaning on the popular japanese Public Security Service naming scheme and role. However, as depicted in the Bots 1 anime by the Vorbeirunei Naval Base 鎮守府 undoubtly meant Naval Base, see JDIC. ラルブリューヴ can be alternatively romanized as Raruburybh.

Larbrybh was choosen to be in-line with Tokyopop's "Lalbryubu Peace Protection Office's (Shuteyum Lalbryubu)". In retrospect the role of the deputy directors has become less certain.

History[edit | edit source]

Astrography[edit | edit source]

The Naval Base is located within the Larbrybh system in the Larych Kingdom.

References[edit | edit source]