Marquis Sufagnoff

Page last edited 4,070 days ago
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Soswie Üémh Sailar ?
Astrological information
Biographical information
Physical information


Political information

Humankind Empire of Abh

Social class

Nobility- Marquis


Sufagnoff March

Military information

Marquis Sufagnoff (スファグノーフ侯爵) is the unnamed Marquis in ICY 952. He is possibly the 5th Soswie noble in line.

History[edit | edit source]

In ICY 952, the territory was occupied by the United Mankind. The Marquis and his family were imprisoned along with officers from the communication base.

Children[edit | edit source]

He has are two daughters; the eldest daughter was 8 years old.

Personality[edit | edit source]

He was described by Beneej Spoor as an "unpleasant person."

References[edit | edit source]