Operation Quicksand
Quicksand Quicksand (ICY 952) was a minor military operation of the Humankind Empire of Abh to acquire the Hyde system.
History[edit | edit source]
Sometime in ICY 952, a scout ship from the Imperial Navigation Bureau opened a closed sord for exploration. It was the yuanon of the Leif Erikson which destroyed the ship in orbit. The scout ship briefly emerged into normal space and conducted a series of scans. It also destroyed the only defense satellite in orbit before returning to plane space.
Upon reviewing the data the Empire determined that Planet Martine had a non interstellar civilization, hence, it was eligible for conquer.
Crown Prince Abriel Dusanyu personally assembled and led the Quicksand Fleet (流砂艦隊(ビュール・ロニャウル)).
This event gave the Four Nations Alliance the pretext that would eventually spark the Great War.
Official Commanders Portraits of Operation Quicksand[edit | edit source]