Planet Lobnas II

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Planet Lobnas II‏‎
Location information

Humankind Empire of Abh


thousands ICY 956

population composition:


Planar Space

The Planet Lobnas II‏‎ (ロブナス?)

is a habitable rocky planet in the Lobnas system with a large water mass.

History[edit | edit source]

The planet belonged to the United Mankind. As Lobnas II has no continents that could be colonized, the largest island was converted into a prison.

In ICY 956/7, it fell to the Humankind Empire of Abh during Operation Hunter. Due to returning United Mankind forces an evacuation was negotiated which led to a revolt. The chaos led to a battle which annihilated the core of the 1st Hunter Fleet. Subsequently, United Mankind forces temporarily reoccupied the Lobnas system. Even after the United Mankind forces left, the planet remained unclaimed due to the inhabitants being the most undesired prisoners.

A few months later, Lobnas II was revisited by Imperial Princess Abriel Lafiel, accompanied by a mercenary corps, in search of the missing Count Hyde.

The planet remains within the Empire, on paper at least, and is still considered a dangerous place.

Astrography[edit | edit source]

The planet orbits its central yellow G-type[1] star in the Goldilocks Zone[2].

Lobnas II has no continents and very few islands. The largest island has been converted into a prison.

Prison Facility[edit | edit source]

Lobnas Prison Island Map.png

The island is in fact a large prison facility. On the sea side it is surrounded by a sensor network. The island is devided into four sectors separated by large walls.

The southern sector was reserved for the prison guards, the prison administration and their families. It had a large habor, an airport and storages for managing supply deliveries. Its walls had heavy weapon enplacements for defense.

The eastern sector was reserved for men.

The center sector had a mixed population. Most prisoners here were sterilized.

The western sector was reserved for women.

Despite the separation and harsh controls, there was a black market and drug trafficing between prison guards and prisoners. Prisoners of the eastern and center sectors had been able to acquire primitive weapons.

Demographics[edit | edit source]


Government[edit | edit source]

None. It was managed by Geol Meideen, the director of the prison, until the prison revolt.

Diplomacy[edit | edit source]


Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]