Planet Momenta

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Planet Momenta
Location information

Humankind Empire of Abh


Berisaria (county)

Planar Space

The planet Momenta (jap.: モメンタ) lies within the Berisaria county which belongs to the Humankind Empire of Abh.

History[edit | edit source]

The planet Momenta was an original human colony. In year 1, the Sumei came to colonise a planet in exhange for plane-space technology. However, the people of Berisaria could not deliver a habitable planet and had to summit their only habitable planet Momenta. While the Sumei Enforcement fleet invaded the planet without fulfilling the contract the Abh arrived. The Abh came to announce the founding of their Empire. Arco Augo was appointed the government's representative to negotiate with the Abh. Subsequently, Berisaria was conquered by the Empire.

Astrography[edit | edit source]

Momenta lies within the Berisaria star system.

Geography[edit | edit source]

  • Vina (ヴィーナ) is a continent on the planet. It was targeted by the Sumei during negotiations.
  • Satouruno (サトゥルノ) is the largest continent, which accounts for 60% of the land masses on ​​the planet. Major cities are concentrated on this continent. There were some Sumei people who were seeking extradition.
  • Marlo (マーロ) is a continent on the planet. It was targeted by the Sumei during negotiations.
  • Merukuro (メルクロ) is the smallest continent on the planet.

Biosphere[edit | edit source]

Cityscape[edit | edit source]

Mautania City (マウタニア市を) is the capital on the Satouruno continent of the planet Momenta. There are many tunnels.

Government[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Society[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Life[edit | edit source]

Education[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]