Sample Sangarini

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Sample Sangarini
Astrological information
Biographical information
Physical information




Hair Color


Eye Color

dark eyes

Political information

United Mankind

Social class


Military information

Sampuru Sangarini (サンプル・サンガリーニ), (Sanpul Sangalini), Sample Sangarini was the leading Ambassador of the United Mankind in ICY 952.

History[edit | edit source]

In ICY 952, Sample Sangarini was the United Mankind's Ambassador dispatched to the Humankind Empire of Abh. After the Battle of Goslauth, he led the Ambassador delegation of the Four Nations Alliance consisting of Ambassadors Guen Tauron, Janet Macary, and Marimba Sune to bring forth their formal protest before Empress Ramaj.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

He called himself the most experienced diplomat. He was shaken in his confidence when Empress Ramaj simply brushed off all his efforts.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

In japan food displays are called sampuru (サンプル)[1], which derives from the English word "sample".

Picture Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]