Seikai no Monshou 2
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Crest of the Stars 2(星界の紋章II ささやかな戦い Seikai no Monshō 1 Sasayaka na Tatakai) is the second book a three-volume novel by Hiroyuki Morioka. Published May 11, 1996. (ISBN 978-4150305529)(old ISBN 978-4150305528) Released January 9, 2007 in U.S. by Tokyopop. (ISBN 978-1598165760)
Summary[edit | edit source]
Jinto and Lafiel escape from Baron Febdash's orbital palace only to fall into the clutches of the United Mankind Army.
1Baron's Mansion's Household Rooms (Banzorl Garyuk) - 男爵館家政室 [edit | edit source]
2 Abh Style (Bal Gelsas) - アーヴの流儀 [edit | edit source]
3 A Modest War (Slarshos Suwarfa) - ささやかな戦い [edit | edit source]
4 Travelers (Lebulaterash) - 旅立つ者たち [edit | edit source]
5 Safugnoff Sord (Sord Sufagnaum) - スファグノーフ門 [edit | edit source]
6 Marquis Safugnoffs Territory (Loebehynu Sufagnaum) - スファグノーフ侯国 [edit | edit source]
7 Luna Vega City (Barsh Lunal Biiga) - ルーヌ・ビーガ市 [edit | edit source]
8 Lafiel's Transformation (Golorkos Lafiel) - ラフィールの変身 [edit | edit source]
9 In the Imperial Palace (Ruebei) - 帝官にて [edit | edit source]
10 Inspection (Raishos) - 検 問 [edit | edit source]
11 Request for Cooperation (Ladorfos Roforto) - 協 力 要 請 [edit | edit source]
12 History of the Abh (Bal Gureil) - アーヴの歴史 [edit | edit source]
13 Hovering car discovered - 浮揚車発見 [edit | edit source]
This chapter was cut from the Tokyopop version.
14 Soldiers - 戦 士 た ち [edit | edit source]
This chapter was cut from the Tokyopop version.
See Also[edit | edit source]