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Banner of the Stars 2(星界の戦旗II 守るべきもの Seikai no Senki 2 Mamoru Beki Mono) is a novel by Hiroyuki Morioka. Published August 19, 1998. (ISBN 978-4150306038)(old ISBN 978-4150306036)
1Lobnas star system - ロブナス星系[edit | edit source]
2 Star of Exiles - 流 刑 の 星[edit | edit source]
3 Distribution (soprhoth) - 配給[edit | edit source]
4 Immigrantion Plan - 移 民 計 画[edit | edit source]
7 Abh Hell - アーヴの地獄[edit | edit source]
8 Abriel Tears - アブリアルの涙[edit | edit source]
9 That Which to Protect - 守るべきもの[edit | edit source]
10 Hunters unleashed - 狩人たちの弓を置くとき[edit | edit source]
11 Personal Operation - 個人的な作戦[edit | edit source]