Sembrybh Naval Base
Page last edited 4,072 days ago
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Sembrybh Naval Base (jap.: セムブリューヴ鎮守府) (Baronh: シュテューム・セムブリュブ Shute~yumu Sembryb) was one of eight command naval bases of the Humankind Empire of Abh.
History[edit | edit source]
In ICY 959, when the Four Nations Alliance initiate their counter attack Federation of Hania Forces penetrated deep into the Kryb Kingdom to gain control of the Kryb Sord. As the main defense headquarters the naval base was brought under the control of the alliance. The star base itself is presumable destroyed.
Astrography[edit | edit source]
The Naval Base is located within the Sembrybh system in the Kryb Kingdom.