Space environment

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Space environment or locally related space climate

Cosmic radiation[edit | edit source]

Hard cosmic radiation is cause by neutrons with energies up to 10^21 eV.

Micrometeoroid and Debris[edit | edit source]

The orbital environment of a planet usually encounters debris and micrometeoroids traveling at average 7 km/s and up to 20 km/s. The interplanetary environment and interstellar medium usually has micrometeoroids traveling at 70+ km/s on average. The intergalactic medium has micrometeoroids traveling at 1700 km/s. A gas and debris cloud from a supernova can travel at 10% of lightspeed or 30000 km/s.

Solar storm[edit | edit source]

Solar wind of an average G star can travel up to 2000 km/s.

Asteroid belt, Oort cloud[edit | edit source]

Nebula[edit | edit source]

A gas and debris cloud from a supernova can travel at 10% of lightspeed or 30000 km/s.

Gravity well[edit | edit source]

List of escape velocities[edit | edit source]

Location Relative to Ve (km/s)[1] Location Relative to Ve (km/s)[1] System escape, Vte (km/s)
On the Sun The Sun's gravity 617.5
On Mercury Mercury's gravity 4.25 At Mercury The Sun's gravity ~ 67.7 ~ 20.3
On Venus Venus's gravity 10.36 At Venus The Sun's gravity 49.5 17.8
On Earth Earth's gravity 11.186 At Earth/the Moon The Sun's gravity 42.1 16.6
On the Moon The Moon's gravity 2.38 At the Moon The Earth's gravity 1.4 2.42
On Mars Mars' gravity 5.03 At Mars The Sun's gravity 34.1 11.2
On Ceres Ceres's gravity 0.51 At Ceres The Sun's gravity 25.3 7.4
On Jupiter Jupiter's gravity 60.20 At Jupiter The Sun's gravity 18.5 60.4
On Io Io's gravity 2.558 At Io Jupiter's gravity 24.5 7.6
On Europa Europa's gravity 2.025 At Europa Jupiter's gravity 19.4 6.0
On Ganymede Ganymede's gravity 2.741 At Ganymede Jupiter's gravity 15.4 5.3
On Callisto Callisto's gravity 2.440 At Callisto Jupiter's gravity 11.6 4.2
On Saturn Saturn's gravity 36.09 At Saturn The Sun's gravity 13.6 36.3
On Titan Titan's gravity 2.639 At Titan Saturn's gravity 7.8 3.5
On Uranus Uranus' gravity 21.38 At Uranus The Sun's gravity 9.6 21.5
On Neptune Neptune's gravity 23.56 At Neptune The Sun's gravity 7.7 23.7
On Triton Triton's gravity 1.455 At Triton Neptune's gravity 6.2 2.33
On Pluto Pluto's gravity 1.23 At Pluto The Sun's gravity ~ 6.6 ~ 2.3
At Solar System galactic radius The Milky Way's gravity 492–594[2][3]
On the event horizon A black hole's gravity 299,792.458 (speed of light)

The last two columns will depend precisely where in orbit escape velocity is reached, as the orbits are not exactly circular (particularly Mercury and Pluto).

References[edit | edit source]