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- 1058th Assault Squadron
- 13th Fleet (Twin Thorns)
- 1st Fleet (Phantom Flame)
- 2nd Fleet (Phantom Flame)
- 3rd Fleet (Phantom Flame)
- 4th Fleet (Phantom Flame)
- 4th Fleet (Phoenix)
- 5th Fleet (Phantom Flame)
- 5th Fleet (Phoenix)
- 5th Fleet (Snow Crystal)
- 6th Fleet (Phoenix)
- 7022nd Special Arsenal
- 7th Fleet's Counterattack
- 7th Fleet (Phoenix)
- Abh
- Abh Data System Symbology
- Abh Hell (BotS2)
- Abh measurement system
- Abh name
- Abh space architecture
- Abh technology
- Abriel
- Abriel County
- Abriel Dubeusec
- Abriel Dugath
- Abriel Duhir
- Abriel Dularz
- Abriel Dunei
- Abriel Dusanyu
- Abriel Dusem
- Abriel Dusuum
- Abriel Lafiel
- Abriel Lameimar
- Abriel Lamorz
- Abriel Lamronyu
- Abriel Lamrowaru
- Abriel Lamyuunyu
- Abriel Ramaj
- Abriel Ramryun
- Abriel system
- Acting Captain
- Agubirushu (ship)
- Aidel
- Aikushu-Class
- Aimenyrh
- Aimh
- Aislairec
- Aizan
- Al Hamid Interstellar Empire
- Alaikek
- Alkont system
- Alusa
- An Abriel's Tears (BotS2)
- Anime
- Anti-Empire Clasbul Front
- Antibug hunter bug
- Aptic Campaign
- Aptic Defense Fleet
- Aptic system
- Aranga
- Arbof
- Aronn
- Assault Ship Basroil (BotS1)
- Assault Ships vs Patrol Ships
- Assault ship
- Atoria system
- Atosuryua
- Atosuryua Klowal
- Atosuryua Loy
- Atosuryua Sruf
- Attack Ship
- Attack ship
- Aya Yoshinaga
- Baikau
- Banner of the Stars III anime
- Banner of the Stars II anime
- Banner of the Stars anime
- Barke Kingdom
- Barkzedel Kingdom
- Baronh
- Basroil
- Battle of Dinin Gate
- Battle of Goslauth
- Battle of Kemal
- Battle of Kryb
- Battle of Lakfakalle
- Battle of Skaresh
- Battle of Sufagnoff
- Battlefield Life
- Battles of Mairal and Elkon Gates
- Battleship
- Bebaus Nefee
- Bebaus Neres
- Bebaus Suryumune
- Beikal
- Beneej Spoor
- Berisaria system
- Bersot
- Berupoukuso
- Berusa
- Beussaicec
- Biboth
- Big Charlie
- Bill
- Bilsh-Class
- Bionic beetle
- Bionic cockroach
- Bionic dragonfly
- Bionic hornet
- Bisesu Naval Base
- Bisesu system
- Blog:Recent posts
- Bokbirsh Mugla
- Bolkutel
- Boraash system
- Bosnal
- Bots-Special Edition
- Bots1-Ep01
- Bots1-Ep02
- Bots1-Ep03
- Bots1-Ep04
- Bots1-Ep05
- Bots1-Ep06
- Bots1-Ep07
- Bots1-Ep08
- Bots1-Ep09
- Bots1-Ep10
- Bots1-Ep11
- Bots1-Ep12
- Bots1-Ep13
- Bots2-Ep01
- Bots2-Ep02
- Bots2-Ep03
- Bots2-Ep04
- Bots2-Ep05
- Bots2-Ep06
- Bots2-Ep07
- Bots2-Ep08
- Bots2-Ep09
- Bots2-Ep10
- Bots3-Ep01
- Bots3-Ep02
- Botsuf
- Breast of the Empire
- Bundeiju
- Burash
- Busuyuria
- Byrsh-Class
- Calike
- Capital Defense Society
- Cat's cradle
- Caubh-Class
- City ship
- Civilian Ship
- Clasbul (ship)
- Communication ship
- Cots-Ep01
- Cots-Ep02
- Cots-Ep03
- Cots-Ep04
- Cots-Ep05
- Cots-Ep06
- Cots-Ep07
- Cots-Ep08
- Cots-Ep09
- Cots-Ep10
- Cots-Ep11
- Cots-Ep12
- Cots-Ep13
- Cots-Special Edition
- Crest of the Stars (manga)
- Crest of the Stars anime
- Crouching Tiger (restaurant)
- DEV903
- Dabaimec
- Dachoc
- Dahkses
- Dakul (mobile ship)
- Darmesath
- Daswani
- Dau Sureuk (mobile ship)
- Daughter of Love (CotS)
- Declaration of Establishment
- Deeds of Arms Fleet
- Deesh
- Defence ship
- Deju-Class
- Dembuth
- Department of Accounting
- Devastation Squadron
- Diaho
- Dinin system
- Drops of Wind
- Duneucec
- Ef Gakurash
- Ekuryua
- Ekuryua Nath
- Ekuryua Naurh
- Electromagnetic wave bug
- Elkon system
- Emergency Commander
- Emergency escape pod
- Emigration Plan (BotS2)
- Emindo
- Emperor
- Engineering ship
- Entryua Rei
- Escape: Just the Two of Us (CotS)
- Escape in the Dark (BotS1)
- Family Dining (BotS3)
- Faniiga
- Fapyut
- Faramunsh Rusam
- Fasanzoerl
- Febdash mansion (Lakfakalle)
- Febdash system
- Federation of Hania
- Fektodai
- Fektodai Sazoirl
- Fesufa
- Fifu Kekura
- Fiith
- Fimegaimec
- Final Defense Action
- First Battle of Aptic
- Fleet
- Flicaubh
- Flight
- Formation (military)
- Former Emperors Congress
- Fortunate Revolt (CotS)
- Forward: The Next Generation
- Founding Family (Abh)
- Four Nations Alliance
- Franchise
- Freezer system
- Futune
- Gaftonosh
- Gaftonosh (Kau-Class)
- Gaftonosh (ship)
- Gaftonosh Dourado (ship)
- Gaftonosh Mura (ship)
- Gairh
- Galum-Class
- Games
- Gamroil
- Gemfado system
- Gemudeiju
- Geol Meideen
- Ghemkau
- Gnombosh
- Goslauth
- Greda
- Ground vehicle
- Guard ship
- Guderusu
- Guen Tauron
- Gurinshia
- Gyumuryua
- Gyushu Arubizera (ship)
- Hall of Remembrance
- Haurai system
- Heirbyrsh
- Heju-Class
- Helzroil
- Hero Memorial Monument
- Hiroyuki Morioka
- Historic Assault Ship Class
- Historic Guard Ship Class
- Historic Patrol Ship Class
- Historic Warship Class
- Hospital ship
- How Technology-Driven Solutions Enhance Buyer Experience And Retention
- Humankind Empire of Abh
- Hyde system
- Idaimh
- Idoria
- Ilysr Kingdom
- Imperial Calendar
- Imperial Cane
- Imperial City Transportation Agency
- Imperial Guard Fleet
- Imperial Palace
- Intelligence Bureau
- Invasion (CotS)
- Isadh
- Isadh Sora
- Jamupeel
- Janet Macary
- Jarluk
- Jinto Linn
- Jousting Warfare
- KE03799
- Kafuyuru (ship)
- Kahyul Lemesh
- Kaisof
- Kalyc
- Kamintel Republic
- Kamintel War
- Kashmansh
- Kau-Class
- Kazuvu
- Kelldeju
- Kemal system
- Kemuferu
- Kenesh Cipair
- Kenny
- Kenru
- Kenru Sazoir
- Kidroil
- Kiluga
- Kilych
- Kin of the Stars (CotS)
- Koichiro Yonemura
- Koryua
- Koryua Konsa
- Kotokel
- Kotoponi
- Kotoponi Razelia
- Kryb Kingdom
- Ku Dorin
- Kufadis Sesupi
- Kufadis Sobiku
- Kufaspia
- Kurobosu
- Kutel-Class
- Kyte
- Lady of Chaos (CotS)
- Lakfakalle
- Lakfakalle Campaign
- Lakfakalle Sera
- Lala Bei Shangal
- Lamkoemec
- Lander
- Larbrybh Naval Base
- Larbrybh system
- Larych
- Larych Kingdom
- Lashkau
- Latouch partial fleet
- Lauth-Class
- Leekroil
- Lef
- Leif Erikson (colony ship)
- Leitek