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Terraforming is a planetary reconstruction process in which a planet is turned into a (human) habitable planet.

Background[edit | edit source]

As not every star system with a sord has an ideal habitable planet, terraforming has been used to turn those planets into a colonizable condition.

The first step is to collect the funds. Interstellar real estate is a lucrative business and has no shortage of investors as long as it is not a wartime problem to reclaim it.

The second step is the actual terrestrial modification. The work is carried out by the planet remodeling engineer union. With so much money involved there are many engineering associations (Gareurl Faziar Deiwim) willing to do the work.

As soon as a planet was ready for habitation, the owner would start recruiting new citizens.

History[edit | edit source]

At the beginning of the Humankind Empire of Abh terraforming took more than a century to complete. Around ICY 650, terraforming needed about 90 years to finish. Around ICY 950, terraforming rarely took more than 30 years long to finish.

Process Details and Technology[edit | edit source]

The first phase of the process is to secure the starting condition of the planet. If the planet was a dry rock then icy planets and comets were made to collide with the planet. The resulting water vapor would become rain, rivers and oceans. In case the ocean is toxic purification bacteria (浄化菌) are used to purify sea water. The bacteria are used to decompose harmful substances, and for binding or embedding toxic metals. The atmosphere is fixed by diluting or enriching it with oxygen produced by algae-like microorganisms. The microbes have a short lifecycle, and once dead, they degraded into soil. Then other unicellular microorganism and multi-cellular organisms are seeded to turn rock into soil or to prepare the soil for plant life. Afterwards plants such as sand grass (Ronrev) and lava pines (Rodorumzesh) are introduced. The plants reproduced and increased the soil's ability to hold water. As generations of plants came and went, the soil became more and more fertile, able to accept needier flora. The engineers would release some fish into the seas and some worms and insects on the surface. Eventually, other animals and insects are used for construction of various ecosystems.

Development Positions & Engineers[edit | edit source]

  • Development magistrate (開拓代官)(Baronh: トセール・グネカ Toseru Guneka); a title to be appointed separately from the territorial magistrate. It is common to have a chief engineer leading a group of engineers. However, despite being establish after 200 years of terraforming technology, it's rare for cost-effectiveness reasons for this position to be filled.
  • Civil engineering officer (土木官) (Baronh: スルスフォーガ Surusufoga)
  • Terraforming engineer (惑星改造技師)(Baronh: ファズィア・ディウィム Fazuia Diuimu)
  • Terraforming engineer assistant (惑星改造技師補)(Baronh: ベネー・ファゼール・ディウィム Bene Fazuia Diuimu)
  • Chief Ecosystem Coordinator (主任生態系調整官)(Baronh: アルム・サボスィア Alm Sabosuia)
  • Ecosystem Coordinator (生態系調整官)(Baronh: サボスィア Sabosuia): Engineer in charge of construction of the ecosystem

Caretaking department[edit | edit source]

The Caretaking department (飼育官部)(Baronh: ジョスメガ Josumega) is in charge of the development of livestock.

  • Caretaker (飼育官)(Baronh: ジョスミア Josumia) is in charge of livestock.