Toyoashihara City

Page last edited 3,543 days ago
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Toyoashihara City was an orbital city that was the home of people from a vulcanic island on Earth. It was also called the Mother City by the Abh.

History[edit | edit source]

In order to prevent the loss of their unique culture due to globalization, people from a volcanic island on Earth built a station within the asteroid belt of the Solar system.

They stayed apart and isolated themselves from the rest of humanity. Even though they dedicated their lives to promoting deep space exploration they did not have the yuanon. Mankind did not share it with them due to their isolationism (racism). Therefore, to withstand the harshness of space exploration by nuclear fusion powered ships it was necessary to modify the genes of residents with excellent qualities. In this way they created 1200 humans before the first original Abh was created.

Around 973 years before ICY, the Abh feared to be enslaved by the Mother City again. They returned and due misunderstanding and failed negotiation destroyed the station. At the time the Abh numbered only 1000 people while the perople on the station numbered 1 million.

Design[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]