5th Fleet (Snow Crystal)

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5th Fleet (Snow Crystal)‏‎
Unit information
Active Date:

ICY 959


Humankind Empire of Abh


Imperial gaftonosh.png
Humankind Empire of Abh


Flying Section


Expeditionary Fleet


Logistics and Supply

  • Later reorganized to Line-of-Battle


Command information

Admiral Jamupeel

Culture and history

"Non sibi sed omnibus"

  • Apocryphal, Latin for "Not for himself, but for all"

Operation Snow Crystal

The 5th Fleet (jap.: 雪晶第五艦隊)(Baronh: ビュール・ジュータ・ギュクネル Byr Juta Gyukuneru) was a fleet of Operation Snow Crystal of the Humankind Empire of Abh.

History[edit | edit source]

In ICY 959, under the command of Admiral Jamupeel, the 5th Fleet served as supply fleet for Operation Snow Crystal. With little expectation of combat, this fleet had not been assigned many combat ships aside from barely enough to defend itself. Of the notable members included in the fleet would be later Prince Abriel Duhir whom served as a communications officer aboard the Bundeiju.

When the Four Nations Alliance started their counter attack the fleet tried to retreat in the direction to the Barkzedel Kingdom following the Battle of Dinin Gate. Despite the lightly armed fleet being engaged by a combat fleet, Admiral Jamupeel managed to break engagement and maintain cohesion of his unit.

However, following the successful retreat, he was surrounded. The fleet still had their standing orders to deliver Abriel Duhir alive to Snow Crystal 13th Fleet, the operation headquarters. In this effort, he intended to honor his orders but preserve as much of his fighting force as possible in order to make a truly disruptive blow against the Alliance and regain some tactical initiative.

The fleet was united with the main force in the Resuyudo system in the Skiil Kingdom where Duhir's father Imperial Admiral Dubeusec remained missing in action. Combat continued as the 5th Fleet and elements of the 1st Fleet Snow Crystal launched an effort to effectively engage the enemy during the ongoing Battle of Skiil.

Order of battle[edit | edit source]

Jadbyr = partial fleet; Dikporlei = supply; sov = squadron

Notable members[edit | edit source]

  • Admiral Jamupeel

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Baronh name writing convention has changed from Fleet+Name+No. to Fleet+No.+Name

References[edit | edit source]